If you have tried to manifest more money into your life for a while with little or no satisfying results, this post is for you. I will reveal how I did, to replace disempowering beliefs around money (aka money blocks) with new ones. By getting rid of mindsets that didn’t serve me, I could finally open up and receive more money ridiculously easily! Wanna know how you can do it too? Of course, you do!
Would you say you’re struggling?
If I (or someone else) asked you how your money manifestation is going, what would you say?
Would you describe yourself as a person who manifests successfully? Would you admit that you’re struggling and have been struggling when trying to manifest more money into your life?
Maybe you’ve been trying several methods and rituals and have been in the game for a while. Maybe you had some success, but not as much as you hoped for.
Either way, let me tell you this: That’s absolutely OK!
I mean, there is a reason that you’re here, isn’t it? You want to manifest more wealth and abundance, otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. And by acknowledging your challenges, you’re already on your way to success.
By acknowledging – you’re improving. That will become a positive spiral.
Why do you want more money?
When you have a strong desire to manifest more money into your life, I always tell my students that it’s important to know WHY you want more money. We all have a why, and so have you.
By identifying your WHY, the manifesting process will be so much easier!
Why is that, you may be asking yourself? Well, when manifesting – you start with your desire first, right? With a clear picture in mind, as detailed as possible.
So, when you want to manifest more money, focus on WHY you want it. What would that money do for you, in your life?
And that, my friend, will help you visualize having your desire already manifested.
Another – important – thing is that when you know your why, it’s easier to actually believe it’s possible. And believing is key.
Let me tell you how I did
I won’t dig any deeper into the manifesting process in this post, if you want to learn to start manifesting, I highly recommend my FREE email course, the 7-Day Manifesting Challenge.
You can also find more about manifesting techniques here.
So, let me share how it was for me. And how I did.
I have had major blocks around money and limiting beliefs that were holding me back. Big time. Oh yes, no kidding!
Even if I wanted to make more money, I couldn’t. Why? Well, I had limiting beliefs around making more money – and also about myself.
It took several years before I even knew what limiting beliefs and money blocks were! Neither did I know how those beliefs would affect my manifesting ability!
I mean, if I rewind my life 5 years – I didn’t even know about The Law Of Attraction!
Limiting beliefs kept me from manifesting money
So, as I mentioned previously here in this post, I had limiting beliefs that were holding me back. Those 12 beliefs kept me away from being able to make more money.
The 12 limiting beliefs I struggled with – and eventually got rid of were as follows:
- I’m not good with money.
- More cash or savings in the bank don’t make you happy. You can’t buy happiness.
- Money doesn’t grow on trees.
- Rich people are greedy.
- If I make more money, I just have to pay more taxes.
- I have enough to get by, I don’t need more money.
- I can’t become wealthy, I don’t come from a wealthy family.
- Money isn’t that important.
- If I make more, people will look at me differently.
- Money doesn’t make me a better person.
- If I earn more, I will just spend it.
- I’m not good with investments, investments are complicated.
Replacing the beliefs that didn’t serve me
When I, bit by bit and slowly, replaced these mindsets with new and fresh ones – everything started to change.
I didn’t change all of them at once, because I carried them for a long time – and they were like old chewing gum that is stuck on a rug. You have to remove a tiny bit at a time.
So I did. And I started to feel better almost instantly. And I also started to manifest more money.
I decided that I was worthy of having money, wealth, and abundance in my life. That I was capable. That I could earn any salary I wanted to earn.

I removed my “upper limits” which I had I set for myself (unintentionally) on how much I could be earning as a maximum. Just by removing these limits made me manifest more than I couldn’t imagine…
Your thoughts and beliefs are so powerful. So were mine.
Mindsets that held me back from manifesting more money
I replaced my negative mindsets around money and my worth with these beliefs. You can call them affirmations. Affirmations are very powerful when it comes to re-writing your limiting beliefs with new, empowering ones.
Limiting beliefs that kept me stuck:
- I’m not good with money – I AM very good with money, thank you!
- Money doesn’t make you happy. – I AM happy when I making a lot of it!
- Money doesn’t grow on trees. If I earn more, someone else may have less. – There is more than enough money for everyone, and it flows into my life in expected and unexpected ways.
- Rich people are greedy. – Rich people are proof of what’s possible.
- If I make more, I just have to pay more taxes. – If I earn more and pay more taxes, I contribute to the society!
- I have enough money to get by, I don’t need more of it. – Thank you, I feel so relieved when I have more than enough money and don’t have to feel stressed and live paycheck to paycheck.
- Since I don’t come from a wealthy family, I can’t become wealthy. – I’m the one who decide how wealthy I can be, I set my own goals and create my own reality.
- Money isn’t that important. – By earning more, it can help me do important things.
- If I make more money, people will look at me differently. -By making more , I can help more people.
- Money doesn’t make me a better person. – Money makes me more relaxed and less stressed! And allows me to do good things for others!
- If I earn more, I will just spend it. – If I earn more, I can spend more.
- I’m not good with investments, investments are complicated. – Investments are exciting and I’m a good learner.
The subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between your reality and your imagination
Do you notice the difference between the limiting beliefs and the more empowering ones? A huge difference, don’t you think?
Imagine what impact these differences have on your subconscious mind!
If you feel like you don’t have the means or don’t make as much money as you would do, don’t worry. Your subconscious mind can’t tell whether your affirmations are solid and true – or – if your affirmations are the person you want to become.
How do you create new, empowering beliefs around money?
First and foremost, you have to identify what your limiting beliefs are.
Then, when you are well aware of them – you can think of the opposite, in a positive way.
If you, for example, tell yourself that you aren’t good with money – change it to: “I have excellent money-skills”.
Write down all your new affirmations. Put them on Post-it notes, like small reminders. Write them in your favorite journal or say them out loud. There’s no right or wrong.
You set the thermostat on how much wealth you can manifest
Is there a limit to how much you can possibly manifest? The short answer is: NO. Know that you can manifest ANYTHING your heart desires.
You just have to believe that you can… and you are the one holding the remote control, the steering wheel of your life. No one else.
Don’t settle for less and don’t hold yourself back. If you want to manifest more wealth and abundance into your life, do it.
Want to Manifest $10k a month and beyond?
You can! Financial abundance is available to you right now. As you rewire your limiting beliefs described in this post, you’ll be able to call in any amount with ease, grace, and flow.
I found this 2-hour workshop with the renowned Regan Hillyer really helpful for unlocking an abundant mindset and setting yourself up for $10k a month and more. $10k a month is a common milestone many want to reach – and it’s not hard when you learn how to tune into it!
You can find this training here, to learn more and snag it. When purchasing this training, Master Resell Rights are included – meaning: you have the legal rights to resell it as yours and keep 100% of the profit. That’s passive income straight into your bank account!
Summary – How I got rid of beliefs that didn’t serve me
If you are one of those who have tried to manifest more wealth and abundance into your life without any desired results, you’re not alone. Limiting beliefs can be holding you stuck.
Examples of limiting beliefs when it comes to money and making more money can be something like:
- I am not worthy of making more money.
- I am not good with money.
- Money doesn’t grow on trees.
- Money is the root of all evil.
- As long as I have enough money to get by…
To get rid of your limiting beliefs with new, fresh ones – you have to identify what your limiting beliefs are. Then you can replace them with new, empowering ones.

Examples of empowering, strengthening beliefs (aka affirmations) can be:
- I am worthy of earning more money.
- Money comes to me, easy and naturally.
- Money flows into my life in expected and unexpected ways.
- I have more than enough money.
- The more money I make, the more good I can do for other people.
Read this post if you want to learn more about powerful affirmations.
Rome wasn’t built on one day, work with one limiting belief, one mindset change at a time.
Remember that YOU are in charge of your life. You can manifest ANYTHING your heart desires, as long as you believe you can. Also, you get to decide what’s possible, when it comes to earning more and how much money you can manifest.
Remember that you are powerful and so worthy!
With love and gratitude,